Best nine
Those of you that use Instagram probably seen many Best nine posts over the last weeks. The best nine is a list of the most liked photos on Instagram from a given year. I don’t tent to post them there, but I usually post them here, together with the ones from the previous year. So hear you can see my most liked photos on Instagram from 2016, 2017 and 2018.
More New Years Fireworks
I think that nobody is surprised that I’m sharing another fireworks photos. And I will share few more in the coming days. Everybody in Bratislava was very lucky with the weather during the New year. Clear sky with only a bit of wind. Total opposite from the 1st January. It rained and was really windy. We were really lucky.
This photo is actually a composite of 5 photos that were taken in a series. Each one had one nice fireworks explosion, but I did not like any of them particularly. So in the end, I used one photo for the bottom scenery with one of the explosions and three more with the other explosions, blended in. Then I did not like that the photo was too narrow, so I found another photo that was taken a bit wider and I matched a part of the scenery to make the photo wider. It’s hard to see where, so I could maybe left it just black, but I would know, so I had to fix it.
Took a while to put this together. This is actually first time I’m posting a composite photo of fireworks. But I quite like the result so here it is :)
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