Selective edits in Color Efex

Color Efex is still one of the best photo editing plugins you can get for Photoshop, and with the recent DxO update, we hopefully will also get new features in it soon. But what I noticed is, that many times it’s filters are being used on the whole photo, where it’s very easy to be much more selective and use the filters only when there are needed. And you don’t have to do it with Photoshop with layers, but right inside Color Efex. So let’s have a look at it today.

Control Points

Each time you add a filter, you will see the control points under the filter settings. There are two options, + or -. You choose the one you want, and place it where you want it. If you choose the plus one, the filter opacity will be changed to 0% and only affect where the control point is. If you add a minus one, the filter opacity will be set to 100% and it will be removed where the control point selects.

On each control point you can change it’s size and opacity of filter. You will notice, it does not effect the whole selected area the same. This is because it works differently. It samples the area under the center point of the selection and then only affects all similar areas inside the selection. This works similarly as the wand selection in Photoshop.

Selective edits in Color Efex

If you click on the little triangle next to the Control points text, few more options will open. First you will see all the applied control points and you can turn them on and off. You see what size of the filter they apply, and if you click on the little square next to that, you will see the selection they effect.

There is also an opacity slider. This is the opacity of the filter effect overall, on spots that have no control points. The plus and minus actually adds or subtracts from this opacity. It’s actually easier to use just plus or minus, not both at the same time. Makes it less confusing. Just set the overall photo you want, and then just remove where it is too much. I do it that most of the time.

Selective edits in Color Efex

You can add multiple points quickly, just by holding down the Alt key and dragging a point. That will duplicate it with all it’s settings. You can also group points, that when you modify the fist one, all are changed.

When to use them?

There are many cases when to use this functionality. For instance, you want to use the polarization filter but it adds color to more things than the sky. Just use it, and then add the plus control points on the sky only. Like this that will limit the effect.

Or you want to add a lot of local contrast to one area, but not to other. Like in this photo of fireworks, I wanted more detail in them, but nothing else. So I used tonal contrast filter with high settings and using a plus point, I added it only on the fireworks.

Selective edits in Color Efex

There are many other situations, and I think you will find them yourself quite quickly. Btw. in the screenshots you can see which filters I set to be in my Favorites, that means I use them the most :)

More wallpapers

The wallpapers page is quite a popular part of this blog, so I like to update it quite often. So today there are here 4 new ultrawide wallpapers all in 3440×1440 resolution. There are actually already three wallpapers pages here, as I had to split them up, as they loaded to long. There is the one with Surface, ultrawide and Dualscreen wallpapers, the one with standard wallpapers and the one with mobile wallpapers.

New wallpapers

These are the new ones, and you can download them with all the other from the Wallpapers page.

3440x1440 wallpaper
3440x1440 wallpaper
3440x1440 wallpaper
3440x1440 wallpaper

Mobile Wallpapers

For a longer time I wanted to add a new category to the wallpapers section, that being mobile wallpapers. But here the choice for resolution is a bit harder, as not every phone has the same resolution or even the same aspect ration. And to avoid having every photo in many resolutions, I decided to go with the most average one. So for now, all wallpapers here are 2:1 aspect ration with a resolution of 1080×2160. This will fit most screens quite well, even if on some a bit from the edges gets cut off.

As always you are welcome to share these further, just please mention me as the author and link back here. Thank you.

New wallpapers

And here are all the ones I added today :) All can be downloaded from the Mobile wallpapers page here.

Entering Bratislava

I have not added a plotagraph in a while. And this is one I already shared on my Instagram quite a while ago, but never posted it here. So here it is :) So this the beautiful river cruise ship AmaViola as it enters Bratislava. And I can say that, I spend many days on this ship, so I know how great it is. I took this photo from the Old bridge, as the ship was entering Bratislava and getting ready to dock.

Then I went into Plotagraph Pro and animated the water, to make it look like it’s permanently moving.

You can check out my Plotagraph Pro review here, and a guide how to create them here.

(if you use an older web browser, you may only see a static image, if you are on a mobile, please hit the play button to see the Plotagraph in motion)

More Surface Pro wallpapers

I did not know that the new Surface Pro 6 has the same resolution as the Surface Pro 4. But now I know. So all the wallpapers I shares for the Surface Pro 4 work great with the Pro 5 and now also the Pro 6. And of course with any other 3:2 screens, there are just fitter exactly for the Pro series. As always, you can download all from the wallpapers page here.

Added wallpapers

And there 4 are the new additions to the selection, all in the 2736×1824 resolutions.

Surface Pro wallpapers
Surface Pro wallpapers
Surface Pro wallpapers
Surface Pro wallpapers
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