Capturing Fireworks

Capturing fireworks eBook

Usually when I post a new fireworks photo, I like to remind you that you can still get my Capturing fireworks eBook for free. And I’m doing so also now. Just head over to the eBook page and download it :)

Sparkling fireworks

I like to return to my fireworks photos and edit a new one from time to time. They just look always so great. I tent to leave them a little more saturated, but as you know, fireworks are really colorful. And with the black sky behind them, you can really see the color :)

This is a single exposure, edited in Lightroom, Oloneo Photoengine and Photoshop.
Sparkling fireworks

Writing kanji

Learning Japanese

Yesterday I added a page to this blog, that has absolutely nothing to do with photography. But some of you may find it interesting. Recently I started learning Japanese, and as I like to learn stuff on my own, I do the same with this. And since it takes so much time, I put together a page that documents what I use and how I progress. And you can see it here :)

Purple fireworks

For now this is the last from the St. Stephens day fireworks in Budapest. I of course have more photos of it, but am not planing to edit more right now. Probably sometime later :) Now the question is, which one do you like the most? This purple? The red, blue or green one? :)

This is a single RAW, edited in Lightroom, Oloneo Photoengine and Photoshop.
Purple fireworks

As I’m feeling sick today, and trying to rest at least a little (it’s harder than one would think), let’s continue with my fireworks rainbow. I’m calling it that way, because I tried to select the fireworks photos, so each one is a different color. And I almost got the whole rainbow last time. So for today, a red one :)

This is a single RAW file, edited in Oloneo Photoengine, Lightroom and Photoshop.
Red one

At first I called this one “Just green” but then one of my friends noted, that he really like it because it is the color of Absinthe, so I changed it :) This is of course another photo from the St. Stephan’s fireworks in Budapest. I have few more ready, but each one in a different color. Something like a fireworks rainbow :)

This is a single RAW file, edited once in Lightroom, and second time in Oloneo Photoengine, put together in Photoshop.
Absinthe color

book-previewI planed to share something different than fireworks today, but as I’m busy with a different work and since I edited few fireworks photos yesterday, here is one of them. And for those who missed it, you can get a free ebook I wrote exactly about taking photos of fireworks, and it can be found here.

This is a single RAW file, once edited in Oloneo Photoengine and once in Lightroom, blended in Photoshop.
Blue fireworks in the night sky

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