Really busy today, so just a quick edit of a sunrise taken in Central Slovakia.
As the Sun emerges Really busy today, so just a quick edit of a sunrise taken in Central Slovakia.

Sunny Green

I added so many city shots recently, that I have to break the line with a nice nature photo. But it’s still a sunset :) Somehow I haven’t gotten to take many photos like this this year, so this one is still from 2011. But with a little luck there will be some winter shots this year :)
Sunny Green I added so many city shots recently, that I have to break the line with a nice nature photo. But it's still a sunset :) Somehow I haven't gotten to take many photos like this this year, so this one is still from 2011. But with a little luck there will be some winter shots this year :)

Number 2

Continuing with the 2nd most favorited of my photos on Flickr. I can’t wait until I take the same shot with the 5D mark II. the problem with this photo was, that with the 7D I could not fit the whole moon into one photo. I had to do a panorama. But with the bigger sensor of the 5D, this should no longer be a problem.

This photo is on Flickr here
Almost full moon My plan for last weekend was also to take photos of the stars, as the 7D has quite nice performance on higher ISO levels. But I didn't account for the very bright almost full moon. It was so bright, that the stars were almost not visible. So I took photos of the moon instead :)I actually felt quite stupid when I took this. The reason was, that the setup I used, the 7D with a Celestron telescope, could only capture something above half of the moon and you couldn't zoom out. And it took me quite a while to remember, that I can create a panorama from multiple shots, to capture the whole moon :) This is not a HDR shot, I took multiple exposures, but the didn't align properly and the HDR from a single RAW didn't look right to me. So I just created a panorama from two shots, removed the distortion and did few steps I usually do in HDR post-processing.Panorama from two shots, taken with Canon 7D and Celestron CPC 1100 GPS telescope.

Taking HDR photos with the Magic lantern firmware

I did a little video, about how to take brackets for HDR photos with the help of the Magic Lantern firmware. So for the ones who are interested in this, here it is :)

You can find more about this firmware here

Sunrise Colors

One from the times that I only took 3 brackets. I really miss one more brighter exposure, to have a nice detail in the foreground. But still the sky looks great :)
Sunrise Colors One from the times that I only took 3 brackets. I really miss one more brighter exposure, to have a nice detail in the foreground. But still the sky looks great :)

Praga V3S

I’m going through my older photos, so there is a little more variability on my blog. The planed summer trips are still quite far away, and I want to keep the blog at least a little fresh :) So here is one from 2010.
Praga V3S I'm going through my older photos, so there is a little more variability on my blog. The planed summer trips are still quite far away, and I want to keep the blog at least a little fresh :)

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